Republicado de aboutsimonCreate a local PyPI mirror
I assume you’re using Linux
Tested with Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTSSome servers I administrate don’t have an internet connection, because of security reasons or they just don’t need to have one. The lack of an internet connection is pretty bad, when it comes to installing packages from PyPI. To enable my offline servers to get packages from PyPI I need a local mirror. First I thought I use
and it’s mirroring feature, but I found out, there already is a PEP 381 for mirroring PyPI infrastructure and there already is a client for applying PEP 381.Because I’ve a dedicated server for hosting mirrors, I choose this server to host my local PyPI mirror, too. It’s pretty easy, just install a virtualenv (optional but cleaner) and install
virtualenv --no-site-packages pypi_mirror
source pypi_mirror/bin/activate
pip install pep381client
mkdir pypi_mirror/data/
pep381run pypi_mirror/data/Now
will start mirroring PyPI. After you completed the first run you can executepep381run
regularly via cron, to sync your local mirror with PyPI. A full mirrored PyPI will consume about 30GB of storage.For a daily sync create
:45 5 * * * /path/pep381client/pep381run -q /path/pypi/dataIf you like to get an email of all changes done in a sync you could use:
MAILTO=you@address.tld 45 5 * * * /path/pep381client/pep381run /path/pypi/dataFor hosting your local PyPI mirror, you could use Nginx or Apache. I choose Nginx and my config looks like this:
server { listen; server_name pypi.domain.local; access_log /var/log/nginx/pypi.domain.local.access.log; location / { root /var/local/pypi_mirror/data/web; autoindex on; allow; allow; deny all; } }To use your new mirror you can install packages by telling
from where to download the packages with the--index-url
pip install --index-url=http://pypi.domain.local/simple somepackage
If you like to install always from your own mirror you can create a
config in your home directory.
[global] index-url = http://pypi.domain.local/simpleThe mirror can only be used for installing packages not for searching, because the search feature in pip is API based, which this method does not support. If you need more features than just a raw mirror for installing packages have a look at chishop or