Piwik Instalation on Debian-Like

Republicado de https://debian.piwik.org/

Piwik package repository for debian based distributions

This is an unofficial package repository for Piwik Open-source Analytics suitable for all Debian based distributions.

This repository contains the vailla version of the latest stable version of Piwik.

How to use

  1. Download the repository GPG key.
    wget https://debian.piwik.org/repository.gpg -qO piwik-repository.gpg
  2. Verify the repository gpg key.
    sha256sum --binary piwik-repository.gpg
    The value returned should be
  3. Install the signing key on your computer.
    cat piwik-repository.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
  4. Declare this repository by adding the following to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/piwik.list
    deb http://debian.piwik.org/ piwik main
    deb-src http://debian.piwik.org/ piwik main
    Alternatively, you may want to use the https. To do so, add the following lines instead
    deb https://debian.piwik.org/ piwik main
    deb-src https://debian.piwik.org/ piwik main
  5. Refresh your package list.
    sudo apt-get update
  6. Install Piwik.
    sudo apt-get install piwik
  7. Check the configuration files in /etc/piwik/
  8. Optionally, enable the cron job in /etc/cron.d/piwik

Migrating from an existing installation

You may wish to migrate from an existing Piwik installation. Follow the steps above and simply copy the file config/config.ini.php from your original installation to /etc/piwik/.

Getting the sources

You may also want to download the sources, for this you have 2 options
  1. Go to http://builds.piwik.org/
  2. Or if you enabled this repository, run
    apt-get source piwik

If you wish to retrieve the sources used to build the Debian package, feel free to visit our github.com. All the instructions are in README.md an in build.html

List of signing keys

As we use GnuPG to sign our releases, here's a list of known and valid keys.
  • Key-id: 66FED89E
    Key fingerprint: 1FD7 5257 1FE3 6FF2 3F78 F91B 81E2 E78B 66FE D89E
    This is the package repository key. It's used to sign the entire repository.
  • Key-id: 45C6BDA0*
    Key fingerprint: F238 9B93 F7B8 E8D7 111B E68B B0A4 37F0 45C6 BDA0
    Aurélien Requiem key. Used to generate the debian package.
  • Key-id: 5590A237*
    Key fingerprint: 814E 346F A01A 20DB B04B 6807 B5DB D592 5590 A237
    Matthieu Aubry key. Used to generate the debian package.


I'm just providing this repository as a convenience. Everything is AS-IS to my best efforts. I'm happy to receive comments and patches via the git repository.

Aurélien Requiem


As seen in /usr/share/doc/piwik/copyright.
Upstream-Name: piwik
Upstream-Contact: Matthieu Aubry 
Source: http://piwik.org/

Files: debian/*
Copyright: © 2013, Aurélien Requiem 
License: GPL-3+

Files: debian/piwik.cron.d debian/conf/lighttpd.conf debian/docs
Copyright: © 2013, Fabrizio Regalli 
License: GPL-3+

Files: debian/install debian/conf/apache.conf debian/postinst debian/postrm debian/prerm
Copyright: © 2013, Fabrizio Regalli , Aurelien Requiem 
License: GPL-3+

Files: *
Copyright: © 2013, The Piwik Team 
License: GPL-3+

On Debian systems, you can find the full text of the GNU General Public
License v3 in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.
