
./ zeo --password=123456 --clients=2 --daemon-user=plone --owner=plone --group=plone --target=/opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-`date +%s`
Testing /usr/bin/python2.7 for Zope/Plone requirements....
/usr/bin/python2.7 looks OK. We'll try to use it.

Root install method chosen. Will install for use by users:
  ZEO & Client Daemons:      plone
  Code Resources & buildout: plone

Detailed installation log being written to /usr/src/Plone-4.3.3-UnifiedInstaller/install.log
Installing Plone 4.3.3 at /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270

Using useradd and groupadd to create users and groups.
'plone' already exists; no need to create it.
User 'plone' already exists. No need to create it.
Adding user plone to group plone.
User 'plone' already exists. No need to create it.
Adding user plone to group plone.
Creating python virtual environment, no site packages, no setuptools.
New python executable in /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270/Python-2.7/bin/python2.7
Also creating executable in /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270/Python-2.7/bin/python
Skipping libjpeg build
Unpacking buildout cache to /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270/buildout-cache
Copying Plone-docs
Setting /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270 ownership to plone:plone
Copying buildout skeleton
Fixing up bin/buildout
Building Zope/Plone; this takes a while...
Buildout completed
######################  Installation Complete  ######################
Plone successfully installed at /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270
See /opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-1399922270/zeocluster/README.html
for startup instructions
Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

  Username: admin
  Password: 123456

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

Use this account only to create Plone sites and initial users. Do not use it
for routine login or maintenance. 
- If you need help, ask the mailing lists or #plone on
- The live support channel also exists at
- You can read/post to the lists via
- Submit feedback and report errors at
(For install problems, specify component "Installer (Unified)")

./ zeo --password=123456 --clients=2 --daemon-user=plone --owner=plone --group=plone --static-lxml --target=/opt/env-buildout/prod/8030-p433UnifiedInstaller-PloneFormGen-`date +%s`
